In a term sheet, the key points of a future contractual relationship are outlined before the actual contractual document is drawn up, which simplifies (or at least is intended to simplify) the subsequent contractual negotiations. However, the use of term sheets also poses challenges.
Key Message: A term sheet can be a very useful tool in the early stages of contract negotiations, enabling the negotiating parties to create clear structures, avoid misunderstandings and thus lay a solid foundation for the contract negotiation (and subsequent business relationship). However, term sheets are not helpful in every situation, as they can also lead to delays and ambiguities.
In detail:
What is a term sheet?
In the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, a term sheet is often the first step in a significant business relationship. But what exactly is a term sheet?
A term sheet is a document that outlines the essential terms of a business agreement before the final contracts are drawn up based on it. It serves as a guide and basis for discussion for both parties and lays the foundation for the subsequent, detailed contract negotiations. A term sheet should summarize the expectations, objectives and relevant conditions of both parties and thus reflect the cornerstones of the future contractual relationship.
Useful applications of the term sheet
The term sheet is used in various phases and contexts, but offers particular value when:
The legal setup is still unclear: In the early stages of a business relationship, many legal issues are often unresolved. A term sheet helps to find a common basis without getting lost in legal intricacies. Especially when the legal and business framework is still very unclear, a term sheet enables a structured and focused discussion of the key points.
A overview on the relevant topics is needed: A term sheet provides a clear overview of the most important aspects of the agreement and ensures that both parties have the same key points in mind before delving deep into the contract details. Particularly in complex negotiation situations, the term sheet provides a clear framework that helps to avoid misunderstandings and focus the discussion on the essentials.
Major critical points in negotiations are foreseeable: A term sheet allows critical issues to be identified and addressed at an early stage. This allows potential conflicts to be identified and possibly defused before they become real stumbling blocks in negotiations. A fair and balanced term sheet can strengthen mutual trust and thus significantly simplify the subsequent negotiations.
Problems and challenges when using term sheets
Despite their usefulness, term sheets are not without their challenges, which are typically the following. The term sheet should therefore not be used for every contract negotiation.
Time and resources required: Creating and negotiating a term sheet requires time and attention. This can be particularly challenging in fast-paced environments or where resources are limited. As the term sheet is negotiated before the final contracts, the same issues may be dealt with twice if the same points are discussed first in the term sheet and then again later as part of the actual contracts.
Binding effect: A term sheet is typically not legally binding (with the exception of certain clauses such as confidentiality or exclusivity). This can lead to uncertainties, especially if no final contract is subsequently signed.
Level of detail: The balance between sufficient detail and maintaining an overview is crucial. A term sheet that is too detailed can put a strain on the negotiation process, while a document that is too vague promotes misunderstandings.
Do you need a term sheet template in accordance with Swiss law? Send us an e-mail via the following link: E-mail Order Term Sheet Template